About me

“It was like someone had switched on the light.” – Sam, Client

Your Quiet Power

Have you ever felt so present and in the moment that everything went quiet inside?

And you had a sense of spaciousness and calm?

That’s what I call ‘Quiet Power’ – when you perform at your best, with ease.

We all have the potential of calm, aliveness and clarity, of being comfortable with who we are and what we want.

I didn’t always believe that. When Kate, my manager at a coaching organisation rang to end my contract, she told me why: “You’re not comfortable in your skin.”

The truth of her words hit me like a punch in the stomach.

I wanted to make a difference but doubted myself. I wanted to be authentic but thought other people had the answers and I had to push and be a particular way to get on. I was easily stressed and wasn’t the leader in my life.

I knew some things needed to change. I went on a self-discovery journey that lead me to grow and unlock a deeper, authentic power, accept my strengths and learn about Inner Leadership.

I never planned to be a coach but my first coach planted a seed. I’m driven by seeing the ripple effect of people creating and contributing to communities as they personally grow.

Coaching isn’t for everyone. But when you find a guide who gets you – it’s a wonderful journey of discovery, success and transformation. You have new perspectives, improved performance, deeper joy and aliveness.

And work becomes more fulfilling. And life so much more rewarding and richer.

Vision, potential and possibility

What will you get working with Quiet Power Coaching?

Empathy, warmth and a depth of understanding of the human experience – my self-belief has been so low I could barely leave my home for years and I’ve backpacked around Ethiopia for ten weeks.

Practical problem solving and big picture visioning gained from different sectors – a Human Resources career with The Diamond Trading Company, Reed Books, CB Richard Ellis and  PricewaterhouseCoopers and a management skills training business in education and charities.

Insightful, deep coaching and clarity. And gentleness with a firm ability to keep you on track. That’s what my clients say :). Skills developed through numerous courses, including The Coaches Training Institute’s certificate, an Embodiment Coaching certificate and a Core Trauma Skills course.

I have a vision of a world where people are living from what lights them up and possibility, where it’s normal to have support to expand potential and where everyone is present in their authentic power, wisdom and heart and comfortable in their skin.

Quiet Power Coaching works with passionate people who make a difference in their workplaces and communities. They want the benefit of greater clarity and Inner Leadership and some want to develop simple storytelling and speaking skills with Speak from your Heart coaching.

“Thank you for another amazing session today; who knew there was so much richness to discover? – Anne, Business Owner

Join me in an initial conversation to unlock potential.

A coaching journey with a difference – Insightful | Deep | Transferable